Devil’s Lake Climbing Adventure
This is an adventurous trip, consisting of three days and two nights, where participants can learn technical climbing skills from climbing professionals. It is a great experience for novice/beginner climbers who want to learn the basics of climbing on real rock face.
Featured Activity: Technical top rope rock climbing, rappelling, and hiking.
General Information: The trip cost includes all necessary climbing gear, professional instruction, and campsites.
Location | Devil’s Lake State Park |
Duration | TBD |
Cost | $955 per person. If you attend the Kilimanjaro Trip, the Cost of this trip is included in that cost. |
Friday: 1pm – Arrive Devils Lake State Park 2pm – Intro to trekking and climbing workshop 3pm – Hike West Bluff 6pm – Dinner – Campsite 7pm – Evening hike Potholes Trail 9pm – Campfire
Saturday: 8am – Paddlers Breakfast 9am – climb CCC Trail Noon – Trail lunch at Devils Doorway 1pm – Rappel on Brittian’s Face 3pm – Hike down Potholes 6pm – Dinner – Campsite 9pm – Campfire
Sunday: 8am – Paddlers breakfast 9am – Break Camp/ Hike to Balanced rock 11:30 – Trip closure/ Kilimanjaro Prep Noon – Departure