Looking for a good firework show? How about the best small town firework show across the state of Wisconsin? Well that’s what you will get with Door County’s opening firework show in Egg Harbor on July 3rd. Talk about patriotic! Door County Adventure Center can offer you the best seat to this firework show on our Firework kayak tour where you will overlook the show from the bay. The opening firework will bring a smile to your face and the finale will be bringing tears to your eyes. Leaving your jaw dropped and eyes mesmerized as the fireworks blast a vast array of colors reflecting onto the Bay. To book a Firework Kayak Tour click here!
Egg Harbor’s firework show is one of the starts to Door County’s Fourth of July festivities. Also on the 3rd, Peninsula State Park hosts their Annual Flag Raising from 10 to 10:30 am where a recitation of the Gettysburg Address and Red, White, & Blue art Activities occur. The 4th of July offers many activities to choose from. Egg Harbor will begin day two of events with a parade starting at 1:30 pm which includes a performance from the UW-Madison Marching Band! Both Baileys Harbor and Washington Island will be hosting a pancake breakfast and fireworks on the fourth hosted by their honorable fire departments. In between these two, Gills Rock will also be hosting fireworks and activities. Also on the 4th, Sturgeon Bay will be having live music, food, and an ice-cream social before the fireworks begin at Sunset Park.
The week festivities will begin closing out on July 7th with Sister Bay Freedom Fest. This will be going on from 10 am-10pm where there will be a brat fry, hamburgers, hot dogs, refreshments, activities and a fireworks show starting at dusk. Another option will be the beloved Fish Creek firework show which is hosted at Clark Park where live music and food will kick off the night. The only difficult part of the festivities will be picking which show or event to go to!